Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Jack's Feast

Today was Jack's Thanksgiving Feast at preschool. I love the Thanksgiving Feast, because Teacher Karen always makes a super yummy chicken pot pie, and the kids are so cute when they sing their songs. This year's song list included Mr Turkey and Mr Duck, Shout for Joy to the Lord, and Our God is so Great. Jack sang Mr Turkey and Mr Duck with glee (see attached pictures), but for the others he just did the motions. When I asked him why he told me he only likes the turkey and duck song.

After singing, Mrs Chrissi asked the kids what they were thankful for, and Jack replied his pop out Count Dooku light saber, which by the way he doesn't have. Perhaps that's his 3 year old way of laying on a guilt trip so we'll get it for him for Christmas.
After today's performance, I can hardly wait for the Christmas program - I hear he's quite the bell player.

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