Monday, October 8, 2007

Chip off the old block

Today we had Thornley's first parent/teacher conference. Now some may shudder thinking about meeting with the teacher, Adam and I were looking forward to meeting with Sra Bier to see how Thornley is doing in class and with the whole Spanish thing. Good news - he continues to take after Adam! Not only does he look like him, and have his temperment, he also has his brains.
Good reports all around for T! He is one of the few who turns his homework in everyday; today he even did his homework twice, and tomorrow he says he'll do it three times! A nerd, perhaps, but a cute one nonetheless.
If I could take credit, I would; however, he reminds me more and more of Adam every day. I think one of the few things I can take credit for is getting him to school on time each day so he can be first in line!


What in the Worl? said...

Little genius. Nerds are the greatest, I married one. Nerds make money eventually! Just tell him that if he doesnt get a date for whatever reason someday in life =)...

Meghan said...

cute nerds are the best, although mine doesn't make much money.

sharon said... I really like this new thing you are doing. It keeps me posted on what's happening up your way. Cute stories & cute pics, too! I'll try to remember to turn my computer on every day - I'll look forward to the latest saga.
