Sunday, October 28, 2007

I love my jobs

I love my jobs - all 50 million of them; the profit and the not for profit.

Even though it may not always seem like it, I love my kids and am very proud of them. This week Thornley was the Super Estrella at school, so we had the opportunity to go into his class for 30 minutes everyday and watch him be the "teacher" during circle time. He did such a good job!! I hardly understood what was going on, but I knew enough to know he was doing a good job.

And my sweet Jack Jack just cracks me up! On our way home from Costco this evening he says, "You need to listen to your mom, because if you don't God will kill you". Words to live by, brought to you by my 3 year old.

My husband is pretty cool too. When I sit down to think about what he does, it amazes me that he can fit it all in. He's taking a little leap of faith and moving his Sunday night worship time to Sunday morning in hopes that it'll be a "more convenient" time for young adults and teens to come. At least now we'll have Sunday nights free again - just in time for the start of another season of Amazing Race (starts next Sunday, Nov 4th, I can't wait!!). The bummer is, once again, I can't "go to church" with him. For a while there we went to the 10:45 service together, which meant we could actually sit together and then talk about the sermon. Now, he'll be giving the sermon, and it's intimidating to me to talk about a sermon, when it's been given by my husband. Sunday school lessons, sure, but a sermon?

My preschool job just keeps getting better and better, and since the kids are getting used to us and each other they are getting crazier and crazier! We had a visit from the fire fighters this week, and even better than that - a birthday celebration. Arlene helped the kids make a cake and when they ate it at snack they proclaimed it was the best cake ever! Funny how you grow out of that when you get older - I don't think any of my cooking is the best ever; maybe I'm just a bad cook.

We also had a special event at church this weekend, which kept me there ALL day on Sat., and by all day, I mean we were running out the door at 10:58 so the alarm wouldn't go off while we were in the building (only to be told this morning that the alarm doesn't automatically arm until 11:30). It was a "birthday" party for an organization called LifeChoices. I wasn't able to hear too much of the presentation while schlepping food in and dirty dishes out, but it looked festive and I had some great teen helpers that I got to hang out with between courses!

So that's been my week in a nutshell. Crazy busy, and not always the best when I'm in the midst of it, but certainly enjoyable when I reflect.

I seem to be rambling, but it's because there are a few jobs that I don't enjoy - cleaning the kitchen counters and laundry, both of which await me after I put the boys to bed.

Stay tuned for my next post - which, unless something noteworthy happens, will be a picture of the boys in their Halloween costumes. I think I'm as excited as they are!

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