Saturday, September 27, 2008

Not mourning, just missing

This past week Adam preached on the beattitude, Blessed are those who mourn (it was really good, if you want to hear it go to, click on media, and click on blessed are those who mourn), and it really made me look at the whole "mourning" process differently. As most of you know, my grandma passed away almost 2 months ago; now I wouldn't say I mourned the death of my grandma, yes, I was sad, but at 93 she'd lived a good life and I didn't (and still don't) feel like something was wrongly taken from me. I DO however miss my grandma, little things happen here and there and I find myself wanting to call her and talk to her.
This morning was one of those times; we signed Thornley up for Cub Scouts and Adam is going to be his "den leader", so this morning Adam had to go to "leader training". My grandma LOVED the whole scouting program. My mom was a brownie and girl scout and my grandma was her troop leader. When I graduated from college and was having a hard time finding a job in the area that interested me, my grandma thought I should look into working for the Girl Scouts, because she thought so highly of the organization and must have loved being my mom's leader. So my initial reaction when we signed Thornley up and Adam decided to be his leader was, I have to call grandma and tell her, she'll be so excited for Thornley, but then I remember that she's not here with us anymore; which makes me sad, but I know that she's in heaven, so she already knows.
On a total side note, but not really, I had to work an event at church today, so when Adam was done with his training he came to pick up the boys and they headed off to the boy scout store to buy HIS "uniform". Didn't have his size, but did get all the badges for both he and Thornley (who already has his shirt) - anyone want to sew them on for me?!

1 comment:

cori said...

If you go to the Grange in Issaquah, you can buy "Badge Magic". It's a no-sew badge adhesive! I love it.