Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Reality TV & Me

Things I love (besides my family), serving in the community, hanging out with teens, reality tv, good food. How lucky am I that today I got to combine all these things and end up with a fun filled day! A little known factoid about me; my minor in college (yes, I had a major AND minor regardless of those nightmares I have where I have yet to graduate) was Youth Service Administration, so basically along with all the biomechanics, kinesiology, A & P, and Math that I took, I also took classes in how to plan, program and operate events. Fun stuff!! So, while it's been a few years since I've used my major (Kinesiology) I am super fortunate to have a job where I use my minor.
Today a group of us from our church's youth group headed into Seattle to the Union Gospel Mission, where we were fortunate enough to be allowed to serve lunch. It's so amazing to me that while we go to "help" those "less fortunate" we're the ones who end up being blessed. I also love watching the teens serving and helping with such enthusiasm! I have an awesome job and get to spend time with awesome teens!
Where does the reality tv fit into all this? I love, love, love Man vs Food, although, watching it always makes my hungry! I saw the episode in Seattle and decided then and there I needed to go to Beth's Cafe. So after we served lunch we headed over to Beth's Cafe, and I think Marissa summed it up best when she said, "My omelet is like a yummy fluffy pillow". We did not, individually, partake in the 12 egg omelet challenge, 5 of us shared in the sheer deliciousness of it. Not going to lie, as I'm writing, I'm thinking man that was one good omelet - when can I go back?!
While I'm reflecting on the people we served today and the sheer deliciousness of the food, I can't help but be thankful for a wonderful day (AND it was sunny to boot!).

Group in front of Beth's Cafe