Sunday, January 24, 2010

When I think Pride is OK

You hear it preached how wrong pride is, how pride goes before a fall, etc, but I feel like pride is ok when you realize it has absolutely nothing to do with us, and everything to do with God. This weekend was a big one for the Andersons! Adam was in Denver at our denomination's mid-winter conference and was being interviewed for ordination. This has been something he's been working towards for about 13 years, and finally he's been recommended for ordination! He will be ordained in Word and Sacrament this June in Minnesota. It will be a time of celebration for our family! My parents were here this weekend and we were planning our trip. I'm excited and I'm very proud of him, fully acknowledging it has nothing to do with me, and frankly not a whole lot to do with him, but mostly how God has been working in Adam's life oh these many years that this goal has been in front of him.

The boys were baptized today, which was super fun! Adam has been preaching on John the Baptist and his work preparing the way for Jesus, so Adam and his ministry leader (and more importantly his friend) felt God calling them to have our first baptisms at E(x)tol. The boys have been asking about baptism for a while, so it was a sweet moment for our family to have Adam's first baptisms be of our boys. I was proud of both our boys and Adam as well, again, fully realizing it has nothing to do with us but everything to do with God's working in their lives.

Another very precious moment was our friend reaffirming her baptism and her son being baptized. So amazing to see God's work!

There is a video on facebook on Ncc Extol's page if you want to check it out. Otherwise here are a few pictures.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Trying to find the Silver Lining

I was going to say, "Life is what you make of it", but I don't think that's totally true. I think life is what we let God make of it, and how we choose to react to it. I was thinking today at church that I can either choose to let situations get me down and continue to flounder around, or I can realize God's given me a pretty good life and instead of having a pitty party, I need to CHOOSE to look at the bright side. My friend, Andrea, is GREAT at this; whenever she is telling me about something that could bring her down, she laughs and says, "...but what can you do about it". I love that!
My kids have been driving me crazy. Just plain crazy! Today has been a better day, for which I am thankful. I need to be thankful that I have to (somewhat) happy, healthy kids; not all of my friends can say that, so while they're throwing tantrums and making me say bad words in my head, I need to see them as the blessing God intended them to be (not going to lie - easier said than done).
My husband is going to be gone 4 out of 5 nights this week, and for our 10 year anniversary we'll be going to Thornley's Cub Scout Pinewood Derby. I know, it's how everyone wishes they could celebrate a decade of marriage - last year they at least had pizza, hopefully this year we'll be so lucky! My husband is gone because he is blessed to have a job that he loves, that he is good at. I need to be thankful that he's only gone for the evening, and while it's hard at times especially at bedtime for the boys, he's not off fighting in the war like some people's husbands (regardless of what you think about war, you've got to be thankful for those that serve).
Our house, which I so lovingly refer to as the "half-ass house" because that's the kind of job the previous owner did on the house; is a house. That we own. Sometimes I feel it's too big, and hard to clean, but we have a house, with running water, heat, food in the refrigerator and clothes in the closet (and all over the laundry room floor).
I would love to be more like my friend, Andrea, and be able to laugh and say, "Well, what are you going to do". Because maybe, just maybe I shouldn't be praying for God to change my situation, but to change ME in my situation. Maybe I should start looking for the silver lining as opposed to the constant cloud cover!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Meghan's "Real" Math

2 children + 2 nights with babysitters + not enough sleep = a long day!

Oh my goodness! The first week back at work/school has been a long one!

On Tuesday night my friend's son, Kyle, watched the boys - a good time had by all.
On Wed night our friend Janet watched the boys; they made 2 cakes and had a great time.
On Thursday and Friday we stayed up a little too late, which led to a long, tantrum filled day!

We went to the craft store so I could use a coupon and get some scrapbooking stuff to start my Project 365 album (9 days in, and I've only forgotten to take a picture one day - that's pretty good for me), and Thornley and Adam needed to get some stuff for Thornlely's Pinewood Derby car that "they" are making tomorrow. I met a friend and her son at the store and showed them what they needed so her son could make a scrapbook of their recent trip. I don't know what transpired between the men in the family, but when we get in the car Thornley says to me, "I bet if you had known how today was going to turn out, you would have reconsidered marrying daddy. He's just mean." I think 7 is too young to explain to Thornley that had I NOT married Adam, Thornley wouldn't be around. I'll save that conversation for another day.

Bedtime came early, and I can only hope that for all of us tomorrow is a better day!

I'd love to post something fun and happy, but you know me, I like to keep it real!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Simple Life

Wasn't that the name of Nicole Richie & Paris Hilton's show a few years back. That is soooo how I would describe myself right now; drinking a glass of 2 buck Chuck, typing on my 5 year old computer, lamenting about my husband's 10 year old car that wouldn't start last night and is in the shop, but they can't find anything wrong with it. Yes, Nicole and Paris, I'm right there with you!
I've always wanted to live a "simple life", and am wondering how that is possible while living in such a consumeristic place like we do. I'm not talking Laura Ingalls, go out and get my eggs from the chicken and milk from the cow so I can make breakfast (although, some days I'm so ready to throw on the calico and braid my hair), but more along the lines of how do we enjoy the simple things in life with all the madness going on around us? How do we sit back and relax, when there is always so much to do?
Adam and I (well, mostly just me, Adam kept leaving the table because of a migraine) were invited out to dinner the other night with a bunch youth pastors from the area, and I was sitting at a table with a newly engaged couple that were going on and on about the way things were going to be when they got married. And while it was fun to listen to and reminded me of Adam and I back in the day, I found myself being somewhat cynical, thinking, "Sure, that's what you THINK things are going to be like, but reality is so much different". Then I got to thinking, is it really, or do we just sometime sell out because it's easier?
Last night at youth group Adam was talking about life being a mess and living a life of obedience to God, even though we don't always get it. During our small group time one of the girls said, "Being obedient sucks sometimes", and I couldn't have agreed more! Why is it so hard to do what we're supposed to do, instead of what we think we want to do? Why is it so easy to sell out and go with the flow?
So maybe there is my answer, the simple life is like the obedient life; it's not always the fun option to choose and it doesn't always make sense, but in the end I'll look back and be alot happier for choosing that path.
Not going to lie, I will still continue to wrestle and struggle with this, because sometimes the over the top, the new and the flashy LOOKS like it's more fun!
Oh, and the problem with the car is a part under warranty - so yay! Other than renewing AAA so we didn't have to pay for the tow, it won't cost us a cent!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Things that make Meghan Cry

I'm not known to be a big crier, or at least before kids I wasn't known as a big crier. But there are a few things that make me cry, always, no matter what.
Survivor videos from home. I remember watching Survivor Australia in our living room in Idaho and they got videos from home and I sat on the couch and cried and cried. I'm sure I was home alone, bawling because these people were seeing videos of their loved ones from home.
Biggest Loser Finale. Just discovered this show two seasons ago, and I always cry at the finale. Don't know what it is, but the whole before/after transformation gets me every time.
Graduations. No matter what, I cry. I cried when Thornley "graduated" from Kindergarten, and it was just a silly 15 minute ceremony in class.
Confirmation. Every year on confirmation Sunday, there I am, listening to the 8th graders testimonies crying.
Baptisms. Whether I know the people or not, I cry. This summer I was visiting a church and it was baptism Sunday; I knew not a soul in the building and I sat there and cried.
Hmmmm...maybe I do cry alot and I'm just in denial.
Adam is planning E(x)tol's first baptisms, so I asked the boys if they wanted to be baptized. They asked if they had to be dunked in the lake and we said no, it was just sprinkles on Sunday at church, and here are their responses...
Me, "Thornley, do you want daddy to baptize you?'
Thornley, "In the lake, heck no."
Me, "No, just at church, this is what he'd do (proceeded by me showing him how you "sprinkle" baptize), all you have to do is say that you've asked Jesus to live in your heart. Does Jesus live in your heart?"
Thornley, "Duh, of course he does mommy, remember?"
Although, Thornley does not like being in front of people, so this is stressing him out a little. I assured him that E(x)tol is very dark, so he won't really be able to see too much. He's looking forward to it (I think).
Jack rounds the corner, so I say, "Jack, do you want daddy to baptize you?"
Jack, "Yah, sure, that sounds good."
End of conversation.
So if I cry when random unknowns are baptized, you might want to buy some stock in Kleenex before the weekend of Jan. 24th!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to Life, Back to Reality

First day of the alarm waking me up, first day back at school, first day back at work; yes, we're back to life as usual and we're back to reality...
Reality TV that is. In just a short bit of time I will be laying on the couch and watching the new season of The Bachelor, and tomorrow night one of my new favs - The Biggest Loser.
But for now, it's time to get lunches and snacks packed and ready to go, because wow it's painful when the alarm goes off so early!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Best of Both Worlds

No, not in a Hannah Montana sort of way, although I am thankful my niece keeps me up to date on what's going on in the pre-teen world! Sometimes I am very sad that I don't live by my parents, and don't get to see them as often as I'd like. But, I also like to consider myself very fortunate that I not only was born into a great family, but I have a great church family as well. Seriously, the knowledge I glean from friends is invaluable (thanks Andrea & Janet).
Sometimes it's easier to learn from people you AREN'T related too, which is why I'm excited that I have friends who know how to cook and sew that are willing to impart their knowledge on to me :) (again, thanks Janet!)
I'd like to learn to live a "simpler" life, and be more "homemade and crafty". I truly am jealous when I see things people make and I think I could NEVER come up with anything that creative!
My first mission - tea towels. Lame and simple, yes, but really I do know my limits and abilities! The material came today, and I'm kind of excited about it!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year, New Ideas

It's only day 1 of the new year and already I'm thinking, "Nah, I don't need to blog, I've got nothing to say". Well, nothing exciting that is - I always have something to say :)
Today I did my annual scrapbook day with some girlfriends, a tradition started years ago when we would hit our local haunt - The Bee's Knees, for their all day New Years crop. Sadly, TBK is no more, but the tradition continues, so today I loaded up my car with all my scrapbook paraphernalia and headed over to Cori's for a day of scrapping fun.
My oh so crafty, love her scrapbooks friend, Michelle, told us about a project she's been working on. Last year she committed to Project 365 which is where you take a picture a day and journal about it. She showed me her (super cute - I'm jealous) album with the fun pictures and stories about life at her house. What a fun idea! So this year, I decided along with blogging more, I'm going to try that out.
That got me to thinking, how often do I just go day to day trying to get thru one day and on to the next. I thought this might be a good way to make me stop and think about our day - the good and the bad - and remember life in our family.
If you think this sounds fun and want more info, here is the site
Adam is getting the dad of the year award because he's taking the boys to do super fun stuff this week! I think he's making me look bad - although, I did take them to Chuck E Cheese AND Family Fun Center. He and the boys spent the morning at the aquarium (membership already paid for itself - yay) and the afternoon at the zoo. I'm so glad my kids like that kind of stuff and that Adam is patient enough with them to let them look and explore and enjoy - not just get from one exhibit to another!
And on a total side note, what's with the Pac 10 and Bowl games this year - dang!
See, I told you I always had SOMETHING to say!